Wild Woman Chocolate Healing Retreat – All the Details

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Update: TWO SPOTS LEFT! Save the date – Saturday, February 13 — for the first Wild Woman Chocolate Healing Retreat of the New Year.

Location: Fallbrook, California – exact address will be sent to you automatically upon checkout.

Arrive at 10:00am for opening ceremony … closing fire ceremony at 10:00pm.

Be prepared to go into raw cacao bliss. RAW CACAO is a powerful brain food, known for prompting the brain to release chemicals and unlock receptors to Higher Consciousness.  You will feel naturally high.

Serving all natural, organic vegan food, lovingly prepared to open your heart and feed your soul.  Many forms of natural Superfood raw cacao will be available — rawktails, brownies, candies, coconut shakes … chocolate sauce on our fruit salads and choco-tacos. Immersion in the raw cacao is ceremonial, sacred and purposeful.  Our intention brings our desired connection to our True Nature as Wild Woman.

Bring your journal to write in.  We will be using the power of raw cacao to take us deep into our unhealed wounds so we can let them all go into the fires of love.

ChocolateBring your feathers to wear in your hair, bring your wild self, and be make-up free with a clean face, as we will be loving our bodies with raw chocolate facials – yum, good enough to eat!

Healers, bring your healing tools.

We will be walking in the medicine wheel with our bare feet, and grounding down with our earth mother, PachaMama.

Bring your favorite world beat dance music, as we will be dancing.

DrumBring your drums and instruments, as we will be drumming.

Bring your singing voice and a favorite song or two to teach and share, as we will be singing.

Bring your laughter and joy, as we will be in sacred sisterhood in the bonds of the heart.green crystal

Bring your crystals and sacred objects for blessing and empowerment.

Bring your wildness, and lose your city inhibitions.

Bring your loving heart, and share it with all of us, and leave with a bigger heart.

Bring your willingness to grow, to learn, to share, to teach, to play, to relax, and to be the wild woman that you are.

Morning Walk06Bring layers of clothing, and walking shoes, as we will be walking at the nature preserve.



RESERVE YOUR SPOT – Only $99 – Investment in Your Health & Well-Being:

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Cacao – Food of the Gods

Cacao is derived from Theobroma Cacao beans, which literally means  “Food of the Gods”. The tree is found growing wild in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins.  The Aztecs are said to be the first to realize the mysterious healing powers of chocolate.  The healthy, nourishing chocolate elixir made from cacao beans not only refreshed people and provided energy and stamina, but also acted as an aphrodisiac.

Cacao contains over 300 compounds including protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, zinc, copper , calcium and is one of natures’ richest sources of magnesium, “the brain mineral”. Magnesium balances brain chemistry and is associated with achieving greater happiness.  Magnesium is the most deficient major mineral on the Standard American Diet (SAD); over 80% of Americans are chronically deficient in Magnesium! Magnesium, as a primary alkaline mineral opens up over 300 different detoxification and elimination pathways in the body.

Cacao is high in the beauty mineral sulfur. Sulfur builds strong nails, hair, beautiful skin, detoxifies the liver and supports healthy pancreas function.

Diminished Appetite

Raw cacao seems to diminish appetite, probably due to its monoamine oxidase enzyme (MAO) inhibitors which allow more serotonin and other neurotransmitters to circulate in the brain.  According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MAO inhibitors facilitate youthening and rejuvenation.

The Feeling of Being in Love

Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found in chocolate.  PEA is an adrenal-related chemical that is also created within the brain and released when we are in love. It also plays a role in feeling focused and alert because it causes your pulse rate to quicken, resulting in a similar feeling when we are excited or fall in love.

The Bliss Chemical

A neurotransmitter called anandamide, produced naturally in the brain, occurs in only one food: raw cacao. It is a natural pleasure molecule that fits into the cannabinoid receptor sites of the cells of the nervous system. Anandamide — also referred to as “the bliss chemical” — has been associated with improving motivation and increasing pleasure. A study published in July 1998 indicated that anandamide inhibits human breast cancer cells.  Cacao is also called “nature’s Prozac” because we feel good longer when we eat raw cacao.

The amino acid Tryptophan is found naturally in cacao, which enhances relaxation and promotes better sleep.  People who love chocolate, but have allergies or develop acne reactions to it will not have these problems with cacao.  Cacao has a high level of Arginine, the aphrodisiac-like amino acid believed by body builders to build muscle and aid in recovery.

Powdered raw cacao has one of the highest ORAC levels of any food (723% more antioxidants than cooked dark chocolate). The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to measure the effectiveness of antioxidants to absorb free radicals that cause cell and tissue damage.  The higher the ORAC scores, the higher the level of antioxidants present in the food. Bee pollen is #1 with the highest scores of any food.


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