About Us

Kyra here: For a long time I’ve been wanting to host a space for women to get back to their wildness, — to what we would be had we not been urban bred — for the purpose of healing together.

“left to my own devices, I’ll turn into a wild woman”

Actress Clare Danes spoke these words, and it is true for many of us, for it is our innate and natural state, and something very deep, ancient and wise within women know this to be true.

dancing wild woman

When women hear those words — Wild Woman — an old, old memory is stirred and brought back to life. The memory is of our absolute, undeniable, and irrevocable kinship with the wild feminine, a relationship which may have become ghostly from neglect, buried by over-domestication, outlawed by the surrounding culture, or no longer understood anymore. We may have forgotten her names, we may not answer when she calls ours, but in our bones we know her, we yearn toward her; we know she belongs to us and we to her.

wild woman withinIt is into this fundamental, elemental, and essential relationship that we were born and that in our essence we are also derived from. The longing for her comes when one happens across someone who has secured this wildish relationship. The longing comes when one realizes one has given scant time to the mystic cookfire or to the dream-time, too little time to one’s own creative life, one’s life work, or one’s true loves.

When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer worlds. When women are close to this nature, the fact of that relationship glows through them. This wild teacher, wild mother, wild mentor supports their inner and outer lives, no matter what.

Definition-of-wildSo, the word wild here is not used in its modem pejorative sense, meaning out of control, but in its original sense, which means to live a natural life, one in which the criatura, creature, has innate integrity and healthy boundaries. These words, wild and woman, cause women to remember who they are and what they are about. They create a metaphor to describe the force which funds all females. They personify a force that women cannot live without. – From Women Who Run With the Wolves