Tribal Healing

tribal campfire circle2One of the biggest gifts of being in the circle of a loving tribe is we are relieved of the idea that we must became a multi-armed, multi-tasking goddess as the standard of measurement and self-mastery.

This was a myth because it was never our job.

Our gathering within the tribe itself is the multi-armed goddess, each one contributing.  We each bring our talent, and what we love, and the circle finds its wholeness.

In the circle of a loving tribe, we are free to take off the false masks and let our hair down. We don’t have to pretend to be happy if we are not, or pretend to be strong when we are burdened and stumbling. We can be seen as beautiful, no matter where we are in life, because to be human is to be beautifully challenged and beautifully flawed, beautifully scarred and beautifully honest.

It is our honesty that saves us: through our honesty — coupled witbeyond the mask ww3h our tenderness — we can be seen as clean and pure with each other.

So we can begin the process of discovery of knowing who we are underneath our responsibilties.

Knowing our core identity in our wildness allows us to readjust and get a much more pleasing fit to the tasks we have chosen in life — where we take care of others and how we fit into our world.

In the plant kingdom, there are peach trees and apple trees. There are roses and lilies. We don’t ask an apple tree for peaches or ask a lily to smell like a rose. And yet we ask ourselves to deliver things that are not of our innate essence.

And perhaps we may be hiding our true nature, keeping our inner wildness and thus our potential gifts to the world in the background, self-judging them to be of inferior grade, a lesser fruit, unwanted.

Within our loving tribe, we find that we only feel complete as each one brings her true essence to share.

And once we are willing to risk exposure, something profound happens.  We find that something bigger than each of us shows up: the one who Knows, who is tapped into Wisdom.  The wild, untamed one, true to itself.

This loving tribe holds our secrets; they allow us to shed our old self with dignity and cast it into the fire.  We are not ashamed to be human.  We see the great beauty within, we feel the fire glowing within. We see each other as fire — changeable, able to consume what fuels us and burn on, brightly.

The only thing we need bring is our desire for healing, which means we let go of the past and stand up for ourselves as changeable.

Our healing comes from finding this inner nature, our individual essence that has its own fragrance and texture, that is uniquely ours.

wild woman sisterhood imageOnce we hear her voice echoing within our ears, we are encouraged to show her to others. This is our Wild Woman.  Unique to us.  Ancient.  Wise.  Wild.

We increase in beauty as we practice transparency and the desire to fully express our best selves, which means letting go of many things.  We begin to shine from within. Something non-physical peeps through as we become yielding, excited, alive.

And the biggest thing we let go is the idea that we must do it all, be it all, have it all, and be the impeccable pinnacle of perfection, the d0-it-better superhuman who wins all her races.

No, our job is to show up in our Truth.  Loving yourself free is the act of showing up — the brave part.  The rest is easy as we allow our wildness as a Whole Being to step forward.  This is whom we lovingly share with each other, that makes the tribe whole, complete and magical.

Come find your inner wildness at our Wild Woman Chocolate Healing Retreat.

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